Some testimonials for the “Manage with Motivation” program.
Happy clinicians.
Good morning Alka.
It’s been a busy week at the DEP.. however I wanted to let you know that with my first 1:1 60-min nutrition counselling apptmt with a pt with prediabetes… my preceptor noted I did great and she recognized that I successfully used MI (and she felt it was a great appointment and had not seen an intern balance MI and advice-giving nutrition counselling so well before previously).
In my second 1:1 nutrition counselling appointment for a new T2DM pt, with a different supervising RD at the clinic, in my feedback, I was told I practiced as an entry-level RD using evidence- based diabetes health information accurately and I seemed to enhance the patients interest to change as evidenced by patient’s self-expressed goals and she noted that I had used MI).
Barbara Querjo
Dietetic Interm
- Clear and easy to understand- spoke slowly, simple language/appropriate for audience, audio is clear
- Repetition of key messages
- Good use of a variety of learning methods- written, visual resources, videos
Adrienne Tsandalis
Dietetic Intern