I help you amp up your communication skills so you can support your clients achieve their health outcomes & YOU get immense professional satisfaction.
We’ll help you take your communication skills to a new level where you will be able to confidently support your clients get closer to their health goals. With the available courses, training webinars & tools you will be able to involve your clients in their own care increasing the chances that they will follow the agreed upon recommendations.
How can I serve you?
Hi there, I'm Alka
I am a Registered Dietitian & a Certified Diabetes Educator. I teach healthcare professionals & health educators about communication strategies that can result in productive conversations with your clients via webinars & online courses. When you have productive conversations, the likelihood of clients achieving their health goals is much higher.
How to communicate with impact
Impactful communcation begins with ……

Being authentic
It’s not what you say. It’s how you say it and how you make your client’s feel. Inject your personality and point of view in order to resonate and be relatable.

Being open & emphatic
Being open to other cultural influences and truly emphatic via your interaction has its own imapct. Ensure what you intend to say is being heard.

Being relevant
Respect your clients by preemptively answering pertinent questions that are important to them. Don’t be generic, superficial, or waste people’s time.

Learn with Alka
I am a big believer of ongoing learning and optimizing your existing skills. Optimizing skills also means continually updating them with new knowledge & strategies. Take a look at my small attempt to support you amp up your communication skills.
About my fascination with health communication !!!!
My health communication journey started in 2015 when I trained as a facilitator for Brief Action Planning (BAP), a self-management support technique developed by CCMI (Centre for Collaboration Motivation & Innovation). The technique involves using a structured step-by-step process to help individuals set goals and make concrete action plans. I began integrating this technique in my clinical practice & started seeing positive results from my clients/patients. The trick here was that the client/patient was directly involved in taking a decision on what they wanted to do for their health. This really resonated with me and I was obsessed with BAP.
Fast forward 2016 onwards I got several opportinities to train for more facilitator trainings that were all focused on health communication.
From The Blog/Podcast
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6 steps for successful collaborations
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10 reasons why dietitians MUST collaborate
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